Probably the First Online Demo of a Medical Device

Oruba Technology & Innovation
3 min readJan 4, 2021

International exhibitions were the best opportunity for us to meet international customers and let them understand how the device looks like, how it works, and what are the advantages of an IoT medical device. Since the doctors, technicians, and patients have never been happy with the mess of manual uroflowmetry experiments (💦), it was so cool to see their “wow 😮” reactions when they see a fully automatic IoT uroflowmeter for the first time.

And then, the exhibitions were canceled, postponed, or turned to virtual one by one. While we were planning to meet the potential customers and make a demo to them on different continents during the whole year, even it was not allowed 🚫 to go to the office from time to time.

The question was “so, what now?”. The product has brochures, videos, presentations, etc. but were they enough for the “wow 😮” reaction? Okay, nothing may create the “wow 😮” reaction online, but at least we needed the “hmm 🤔” reaction. And an online demo idea popped up 💡.

That online demo👩🏼‍💻 should have included the hardware, software, functions, and connections with other devices. And it should have been interactive to provide the simulation of a real demo experience.

Mangodo Digital was the best and only option (🦾) to cooperate for that kind of online solution and the cooperation resulted even better than it was dreamt of the first day. Now, we have an online demo of the first case of an IoT uroflowmeter. You can try, learn, observe, examine, play, and do everything with it, as much as you want (and we think it’s fun 👾). And we will provide you the next levels (new cases), soon.

As far as we know, this is the first online demo of a medical device in the world. If so, we will be proud to be the pioneer (😎) of a new sector and to create a new path that is beneficial for the companies, consumers, developers, humanity, and world peace. If not (please let us know), we will still be very happy about that good job and good cooperation and to let the potential users learn more about that high technological device.

If you would like to create an online demo for your own products, feel free to contact ☎️ us or Mangodo Digital. We’d be glad to support you and share our know-how.

If that online demo made you at least “hmm 🤔”, we’d be glad to receive your emails, comments, and feedback, and everything. It doesn’t matter if you are in the urology sector or not (at least all of us urinate 🤫).

And if your reaction is “wow 😮” you can even Facetime us at 3 am (😴), and we will call you back the next morning.

See you soon with the next level of the online demo👋🏼



Oruba Technology & Innovation

Oruflow, first self-operating IoT uroflowmeter of the world.